In most divorces, hard feelings between spouses make selling a louisiana house in joint names divorce difficult, as more often than not, one or both parties want to inflict as much emotional harm on the other person as possible. Unfortunately, the couple’s shared finances often take the brunt of this ax-grinding. When selling a house … Continued
Owning a house with other people has a number of marked advantages: the financial burden of bills and repairs can be shared, and the labor of, say, yard work and maintenance is usually spread among multiple owners. But problems can come up when it’s time to sell. While the actual selling process is pretty much … Continued
Going through a divorce can be an emotionally taxing experience. It can also be financially draining, especially when it comes to dividing assets such as your louisiana home. In fact, one of the biggest assets that couples have to navigate during a divorce is their shared home. However, selling your house directly in a divorce … Continued
Divorce is never something you plan on, and it’s far from a pleasant experience. But it does happen, and the divorce process is usually complicated and sometimes ugly, especially when it comes to real estate assets. Certainly, you should hope for and work toward the best and most amicable outcome, but you should also prepare … Continued
If you’re selling your home, you likely just want to get it over with and get started on the new chapter in your life in your new home. But hold on – you may have to deal with the tax man. If you made a profit on the sale of your home, you may to … Continued
Need to sell your house quickly in Lafayette? Offering owner financing can help you sell fast, while still getting the price you want. Learn more about the process here!
Despite what at times can be an overwhelming life experience, selling an inherited house in louisiana with multiple heirs involved doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. For most heirs, selling a close family member’s real estate after death is challenging and emotional due to losing that close relationship in addition to the … Continued
Have you inherited property in louisiana? Sadly, without proper forethought, you may suddenly face life without your parents, who have left their property to all of their children without a plan in place, which can be quite a chaotic experience. Dealing with a sudden whirlwind of paperwork and details during such an emotionally difficult time … Continued
Upon inheriting a home in louisiana, Louisiana, many individuals find themselves in a unique position. Suddenly owning a property of significant value offers an opportunity for improvement, yet the emotional weight of losing a loved one lingers. If you are contemplating your next steps, it is crucial to consider the tax implications of selling an … Continued